Friday September 26th, 1794
A COUNTY SHOPKEEPER last week had occasion to remit to the mayor of Derby the sum of twenty pounds. And in order that it might go with the greater safety he cut a bank bill into two parts and deposited each in a separate letter; he then wrote a third by way of advice and sent them all by the same post.
WANTED, a WARRENER, who undertakes taking rabbits in large quantities; he will find full employ. Apply to Mr Lawrence, Lion Inn.
Friday September 24th, 1819
THE PERSECUTION OF THE JEWS, which casts such signal shame upon the age, continues unabated. It has spread even into Poland, where [the Jews] are very numerous. Many of the rich Jews of Hamburg and Frankfurt are consequently preparing to emigrate from those cities.
MANY FOREIGNERS, alarmed at the internal state of England, have sold out of our funds and invested their money in those of France.
Friday September 24th, 1869
AT A MEETING of the North Shropshire Agricultural Society last week a member was expelled for having attempted to impose upon the society at the annual show with certain rams which had their backs covered with wool pitched to deceive the judges.
THE DEATH is announced of Dr Hunt, the late president of the Anthropological Society. His death is said to have been caused by brain fever, brought on by excitement consequent to the treatment anthropology received at the late meeting of the British Association at Exeter.
Friday September 26th, 1919

THE POSITION in Shropshire arising from the strike of iron founders and care makers is becoming serious, and there are indications that unless some settlement is brought about very speedily a large number of men in other trades will be thrown out of employment.
LITTLE OWLS IN SHROPSHIRE – evidence is accumulating that the Little Owl is rapidly increasing and establishing itself in Shropshire, where twenty years ago it was unknown. This species is native to the Mediterranean… About half a century ago a number of little owls were imported by Lord Lilford and turned out in his grounds in Northamptonshire. These bred and multiplied so that by 1899 one reached Shropshire.
Friday September 28th, 1979
SHROPSHIRE Education Authority’s announcement that there will be no heating in county schools until October 10th has brought an icy response from many teachers – and some are threatening walkouts if the situation becomes really bad. The chilly news came this week in a crisis letter to head teachers from the authority. In addition to the ban until October 10th, heating will continue to be switched off at midday right up to November. The controversial move comes as part of a general purse-string tightening operation.
Thursday September 29th, 1994
FILMS – Cannon Empire – Ends today – Clear and Present Danger (12); opens tomorrow – Speed (15); special preview Saturday October 1st 9pm – Forrest Gump (12).
TOWN CENTRE SUPREMO SOUGHT – a salary of between £20,000 and £22,000 a year will be paid to the successful applicant for the post of town centre manager. Funds to meet the cost of the appointment have been raised through a partnership of public and private bodies.
Thursday October 1st, 2009

WANTED: someone with bright ideas on bringing back to life one of the finest walled gardens in Shropshire. In its Victorian heyday, the kitchen garden at Longner Hall near Shrewsbury supplied fruit and vegetables for family and staff at the stately home and estate. But much of it is now a walled ‘jungle’ and it is in danger of becoming completely overgrown. Owners Rob and Gill Burton are appealing for local enthusiasts to come up with a rescue plan. And whoever proposes the best solution could be given use of the garden rent-free, apart from the occasional box of produce for the Burtons.