Friday August 17th, 1792

ADVICES were this day received from France by which we learn that the Capital was in a state of the utmost distraction and confusion. The King has been before the national assembly, and by them DEPOSED!! The Swiss Guards cut to pieces for their loyalty in making a last attempt to rescue the Sovereign from such indignities. The Queen and Dauphin threw themselves on the mercy of the National Assembly. Several of the king’s friends have been taken; of whom five or six were murdered! All the shops shut, and all communications by the post as much as possible precluded.
Friday August 15th, 1817
SWINDLING – Whereas Thomas Wilcox did, on Friday 1st August, obtain two fat cows, under false pretences, from Mr Hotchkiss Jun, of Nobold, which cows he afterward sold in Bridgnorth fair, and hath since absconded with the money. Any person who will give such information as shall lead to the apprehension of the said Thomas Wilcox shall receive FIVE GUINEAS REWARD. The said Thomas Wilcox is about 5 feet 7 inches high, dark complexion, long face, fresh coloured; and had on a blue coat, spotted waistcoat and dark breeches.
Friday August 16th, 1867
THE CATAPULT NUISANCE – In consequence of the damage constantly done by boys shooting bullets, stones etc. by means of the catapult, the Mayor has given instructions to the police to apprehend all boys found using this dangerous toy. Several windows in the Talbot Chambers have been broken within the last few days by bullets, it is supposed, discharged by the catapult; and other injuries to persons and property have been reported to the police.
Friday August 17th, 1917
THE WAR – Aerial fighting was carried on to a considerable extent, 26 German machines having being driven down, while we lost two aeroplanes, and fifteen of our machines are missing… On Sunday numerous air fights took place, the enemy’s airmen being described as “particularly aggressive.” Nine hostile machines were destroyed, while eight others were driven down damaged; on our side seven machines are missing. During the day four German aerodromes were heavily bombed, and many photographs were taken.
Friday August 19th, 1977
HIGH WINDS and torrential rain have flattened crops throughout the country over the past week – but Shropshire farmers are not too worried at the moment. In fact, while holidaymakers shook their fists at the grey skies above, some of the farmers are pleased to see the rain. For July was one of the driest for many years. Weather experts from RAF Shawbury told the Chronicle that the mean rainfall for the month was only 8.5mm. This compares with an average rainfall for the same month in the years 1946-75 of 65.5mm. Combines are up to a month late making a start on harvesting thousands of acres of corn, and reports have come in throughout the region of sodden fields, with cereal crops often standing inches deep in water, and near-ripe corn battered down into the mud.
Thursday August 20th, 1992
THE STORY of a low energy light bulb sold to a Shrewsbury shop in September 1990 is told in the latest newsletter of the Shropshire Friends of the Earth. The shop owners turned it on and off only once daily, giving the conservationists a chance to work out how effective it was. The compact fluorescent lamp worked for 12,300 hours, and saved the use of 12 ordinary light bulbs and 984 units of electricity. At current domestic prices, say Friends of the Earth, this saved £80.82 for an investment of just £14.50.
Thursday August 16th, 2007

A PLAQUE celebrating Thomas Telford’s contribution to the county’s landscape has been unveiled 250 years on from the famous engineer’s birth. Shropshire County Council installed the plaque on Montford Bridge, the first bridge designed and built by Telford, and council officers responsible for the roads and bridges Telford left behind were invited to the unveiling. John Everall, Shropshire County Council’s Cabinet member for environment and sustainability, said, “It is important that we should remember and celebrate the life and work of this extremely significant man. Appointed as Shropshire’s first surveyor in 1787 he left the county with a legacy to be proud of. Montford Bridge is now 215 years old, and a recent thorough inspection of it commissioned by the county council found it to be in a good condition. This is a tribute not only to Thomas Telford but to all who have since played a part in its maintenance.” The bridge was completed in 1792 and spans the River Severn, carrying Telford’s famous London to Holyhead Road, now the old A5. Telford also played a part in the building of 42 other bridges in Shropshire.