Memory Corner August 10th 2017

Friday August 10th, 1792

Sir Richard Arkwright, 1790

THE MODE of conveying expresses in India from Seringapatam to Madras is by means of natives on foot, stationed at 8 miles distant to one another; which is run over in an hour from post to post by the person stationed, and thus no delay whatever occurs in the conveyance, which is at the rate of 92 miles per day, without intermission.

ON FRIDAY last died, at his seat at Cromford, in Derbyshire, Sir Richard Arkwright, celebrated for his introduction of Spinning Jennies, in the cotton manufactory.


Friday August 8th, 1817

WE ARE happy to state that at length [last] there is a prospect of uniting the Ellesmere Canal with this town.  This was originally intended, and we may say pledged, by the committee of proprietors when they solicited subscriptions… It was resolved that Mr Telford be appointed to make a survey of the most eligible line for a railway or a canal, and to furnish estimates, previous to a general meeting of the subscribers to decide upon the measure in February next.


Friday August 9th, 1867

PAUPERISM IN SHROPSHIRE – the tabulated returns of pauperism for the 1st January 1867 have just been printed.  They are limited to the number of paupers in workhouses.  The ratio of paupers to the population throughout England and Wales was 4.8%, or 1 in 21… The total number of persons relieved [given poor relief outside workhouses] in Shropshire was 9,605… These numbers show a decrease of 3.7% in Shropshire, while the able-bodied class had decreased 4.1% in Shropshire.  The increase in the total number of paupers extended to every district of the kingdom, except the Northwest.


Friday August 10th, 1917

Soldiers at Park Hall Barracks, Oswestry

ABSENTEES glad to be arrested – Privates William Dibble (19) and Adam Walker (19), both members of the Labour Company stationed at Park Hall Camp, Oswestry, were charged with being absent since Saturday.  PC Cartwright said that at 5 o’clock that morning he met both men on the Town Walls.  They admitted they were absentees from Park Hall Camp, and said they were making for Liverpool.  They had been to the railway station to try and “pump” – meaning to travel without tickets, but were stopped by the railway officials.  Both complained of being tired, and said they were glad to be arrested.  Prisoners were handed over to a military escort.


Friday August 12th, 1977

CHESTER’S Turner bid is rejected by Durban.  Third Division Chester want Shrewsbury Town captain Graham Turner whom they sold to the Town in January 1973 for a reported £30,000.  Shrewsbury’s manager Alan Durban confirmed that he had turned down an offer, which Chester sources quote at being £20,000, for [Turner] who formerly played in the Town’s back four, but converted last season into a very successful and powerful midfield player.  [He] followed up his first ever goal late in the 1975/76 season with another 10 last term.


Thursday August 13th, 1992

‘MUDSTERLEY’ [Minsterley] SHOW one of the wettest.     Poor ‘Mudsterley Show’.  An early morning downpour of torrential rain drowned any hopes of drawing the crowds – slashing gate numbers and leaving livestock exhibitors and trade stands soggy and lonesome.  Then just as the teeming rain had turned the ground underfoot to a muddy quagmire, the rain stopped – robbing organisers of a chance to make a claim on their wet-weather insurance policy.


Thursday August 9th, 2007

ALMOST A YEAR on from the closure of the town’s homeless shelter, three centres for rough sleepers could soon be up and running.  Shrewsbury and Atcham Borough Council is purchasing a property in Castle Foregate to use as a day centre for homeless people, at the same time as refurbishing the existing men’s hostel in Castle Foregate which was closed due to a lack of funding last summer.  Approval has been granted for the borough council to purchase 10 Castle Foregate and they are now in the process of finalising the contract.