Friday September 12th, 1794
SHOPSHIRE HEROES – All spirited young fellows, who are able and willing to serve their king and country in THE SHROPSHIRE VOLUNTEERS commanded by Colonel Williams, will repair immediately to his standard at the Sun Inn in Shrewsbury, or to his sergeants at Wellington, Newport, Wenlock, Bridgnorth, Oswestry, Ludlow, Whitchurch and Wem, where they will receive THE GREATEST BOUNTY ever given. Bringers of good recruits will be entitled to TWO GUINEAS, and every other encouragement their zeal may merit.
Friday September 10th, 1819
THE MANUFACTURING DISTRICTS continue tranquil; much discontent nevertheless lies beneath the surface. The radical reformers are described as exceedingly violent in and near Oldham. To avoid increasing the excise duties, parties club together and brew ale at private houses, where they assemble to drink it and talk politics; the regular public houses are almost deserted.
Friday September 10th, 1869
A CAT belonging to Mr Franklin, taxidermist of Birmingham, formerly of this town, gave birth the other day to five kittens, all of whom were joined together in a manner similar to the Siamese twins. A lump of coal fell on one of the kittens and killed it, but the remaining four are as lively and active as kittens usually are.
UNLAWFUL USE OF CONDUIT WATER – Joseph Shaw, earthenware dealer, Mardol, was fined 1s, with 7s 6d costs, for using the conduit water for washing the flags in front of his house, contrary to the notices recently issued by the Council.
Friday September 12th, 1919
MOTORIST’S NOTE-BOOK – it is most important that the engines of Fords should be decarbonised regularly, which need not take more than a couple of hours. The cylinder head should be removed and scraped with a blunt knife, and the piston tops and valve ports should also receive attention. It is as well to look at the valve springs at the same time to see how they are faring… The difference in “life” after this attention will startle you.
Friday September 14th, 1979

SHREWSBURY POLICE have launched a big operation to prevent trouble at tomorrow’s Shrewsbury Town match against Chelsea on the Gay Meadow. And many publicans, anticipating trouble, have said they will not be opening their pubs until the match is over. A crowd of up to 10,000 is expected at the Gay Meadow – with about 1,000 visitors from Chelsea. Many of the visiting supporters will arrive on board a special train at lunch time. These will be given a police escort to the ground, and although police will not say which route they will take, they say it will avoid the fans going through the town centre.
Thursday September 15th, 1994
SHREWSBURY AND ATCHAM BOROUGH COUNCIL has launched a hard-hitting campaign to explain why it wants to abolish itself. The campaign is part of a stance adopted overwhelmingly by the borough council on Monday. Tory and Labour councillors joined forces to back the local government commissioners’ first choice option for just two unitary or all-purpose councils for Shropshire.
Thursday September 17th, 2009

A MOTHER and her young baby were trapped inside Shrewsbury’s showpiece Dingle gardens when a park warden locked the gates at 4pm – because winter has officially started. Town council bosses have apologised for the blunder and regret any distress caused to Tracey Smith and her five-week-old daughter Ruby. But they say September marks the start of winter opening times for the sunken gardens. The pair found themselves imprisoned behind bars for 45 minutes. Their cries were eventually heard by passers-by who went to get help to unlock one of the three entrance gates.