Friday July 4th, 1794
LAST WEEK a child about five years old accidentally fell into a [flooded] clay pit in the Abbey Foregate, and was taken out apparently dead, but afterwards recovered by adopting the means recommended by the Shrewsbury Humane Society.
A FEW DAYS AGO, as one William Francis was fishing with stop-nets [near the mouth of] the River Severn, by the weight of the net and the strength of the tide the boat overset [overturned] and he was unfortunately drowned. It is remarkable that within the last six years, the father, his three sons and two first cousins were all drowned in the same river.
Friday July 2nd, 1819
UNFAILING SUCCESS during a period of eighty years has fully established the excellence of BARCLAY’S ORIGINAL OINTMENT in the cure of that disagreeable disorder the ITCH, which it never fails to effect in ONE HOUR’S APPLICATION. The safe, speedy and efficacious remedy has been in general use for upwards of one hundred years, without a single instance of its having failed to cure the most inveterate cases. It does not contain the smallest particle of mercury, or any other dangerous ingredient, and may be safely used by persons of delicate constitution. The public are requested to observe that none can possibly be genuine unless the names of the proprietors, BARCLAY AND SONS, are engraved on the stamp affixed to each box.
Friday July 2nd, 1869
EXCURSION FROM OLDHAM TO SHREWSBURY – thanks to railways, districts heretofore inaccessible to the working population of this country are now quite within their reach; and bent on a day’s “outing” it is not astonishing that the denizens of our large manufacturing towns should turn their attention to so picturesque a place as Shrewsbury. Yesterday this town was visited by some 600 persons from Oldham, comprising persons of every class, and it is satisfactory to find that they were all pleased with the attractions the place affords, and the reception they met with from the inhabitants.
Friday July 4th, 1919
THE 1740 GERMAN officers and men who sunk their fleet at Scapa Flow and were interned at Park Hall and Healle Camps, Oswestry, last week, are being guarded by the Northumberland Fusiliers in a compound surrounded by an 8ft barbed wire fence… A German naval officer of high rank was driven to a bank in Oswestry on Saturday morning. He was mistaken for Admiral von Reuter, and in an incredibly short time several hundred people assembled in the street and made a hostile demonstration. When the stranger left the bank, women, men and youths yelled and booed, and one man succeeded in striking him on the shoulder with his fist, while another threw a well-aimed cabbage which landed under the car. Policemen were quickly on the spot and prevented further trouble.
Friday July 6th, 1979
BRIDGING THE CENTURIES – the heir to the throne and the Mayor of Shrewsbury and Atcham found themselves bridging the centuries yesterday. For while Prince Charles was crossing the world’s first iron bridge on the River Severn at Ironbridge, Councillor Bernard Lingen was fourteen miles upstream officially opening the newest bridge on the river – Shrewsbury’s £300,000 Frankwell footbridge. Prince Charles spent four hours touring the Ironbridge Gorge Museum as part of the celebrations to commemorate the 200thanniversary of the opening on the Iron Bridge.
A MASSIVE £1½million has to be cut from Salop County Council’s budgets immediately – and education looks like bearing the brunt of the spending axe. Other major services, such as roads, libraries and social services, will also have to be trimmed following Mrs Thatcher’s call for a clampdown on public spending.
Thursday July 7th, 1994
ON THURSDAY JUNE 8THBBC televised “Crimewatch UK”. One of the main reconstructions during that programme was on the murder of Trevor Bradley, whose body was found in a burnt-out car at Melverley on April 27th. Millions of viewers saw Detective Inspector Wynne Evans make a two-and-a-half-minute appeal for witnesses and information on specific items. As a result of the programme the police received 45 calls that night. All the calls received were ‘actioned’ and many lines of enquiry are now being followed up. The incident room has now processed 1,200 ‘actions’ and a new line of enquiry is in connection with a painting known to be in the possession of Trevor Bradley the weekend before he died.
Thursday July 9th, 2009
THREE YEARS AGO, Felicity Morgan was running her Park Flowers business from her garden shed – but now she has been named as one of the top ten online organisations of its kind in the country. Felicity, who has recently taken over new premises on Atcham Business Park, specialises in selling ethical flowers and foliage, including organic and Fairtrade products.
SHREWSBURY’S £7.5million Food Enterprise Centre has officially opened for business after the first tenants started trading on the site, with more expected to sign up soon.