Memory Corner June 27th 2019

Friday June 27th, 1794

2nd Lord Berwick

THE PROROGATION of Parliament is postponed till his Majesty’s return from Portsmouth.  Beds at Portsmouth are already at the enormous price of one guinea per night, in expectation of the royal visit.

DIED – on Friday night in the 78thyear of her age, Mrs Abiah Darby, a very eminent preacher among the people called Quakers.  Of whom it may truly be said, that she was an Israelite indeed, in whom there was no guile [John 1:47).

ON MONDAY LAST the Right Honourable Lord Berwick arrived at his seat at Attingham, in compliment to whom great rejoicings took place at Atcham and its vicinity, and greeting smiles were visible on the countenance of every inhabitant in his Lordship’s neighbourhood.


Friday June 25th, 1819

FATAL PUGILISM – during the past week three human beings have been killed in pugilistic contests, one in Birmingham, one in Liverpool, and one in this county.  On Monday, an inquest was held by Joseph Dicken, gent, coroner, on the body of John Parbutt, of the Red Lake, near Wellington, who on Sunday had been killed while fighting with John Pitchford.  The latter is committed to our gaol, charged with manslaughter.


Friday June 25th, 1869

THE OPENING of the Suez Canal is postponed till the 15thof November.

A PATENT has been obtained in America for the manufacture of waterproof paper.  It will be no uncommon thing, bye-and-bye, to carry a quart of milk home in a paper bag.

BY THE DEATH of Lord Stanley of Alderley, a Mohammedan peer will acquire a title to a seat in the House of Lords.  The late Lord’s eldest son was an attaché to the Embassy at Constantinople, and whilst residing in the East, embraced the faith of Islamism.

A LADY has been unanimously elected a member of a yachting club.  She is the owner of a fine vessel of over 240 tons.


Friday June 27th, 1919

CRICKET – LUDLOW LADIES v LUDLOW GRAMMAR SCHOOL JUNIORS – This match was played on June 18thand was remarkable for the fine batting of Miss Nora Marston, who scored 100 and then retired.  Mrs SW Marston scored 30 and Miss E Crawford 24.  The ladies scored 161 for 4 and then declared.  For the School, Flamsteed, Leeke and Green scored double figures, and they were all out for 93.  Mrs SW Marston took 7 wickets for 33 runs, and Miss Crawford 2 for 8.


Friday June 29th, 1979

SHREWSBURY’S ENTERTAINMENTS OFFICER, Mr Seb Craig, is to get most of the blame for the financial disaster of the town’s first international song contest.  The week-long song festival, staged at the Music Hall in March, lost more than £27,000.  Now, a working committee which has looked into the loss, is recommending that Mr Craig should be given a written reprimand.  The committee also recommend that Mr Craig should be warned about his future conduct in relation to the control of expenditure.  The working party also recommends “with regret” that no further song festival should be produced by the council.


Thursday June 30th, 1994

POLICE in Shrewsbury are moving towards 1995 with optimism after they revealed that crime figures for the town and surrounding areas are down.  The town’s [police] subdivision reports a good reduction in crime generally in the first quarter of the year.  Rural areas have seen a drop of 26.63 per cent.  Targeting operations on problem areas such as Sutton Farm and Frankwell car parks has seen an increase in the detection rate for thefts by 46 per cent.  High visibility patrols have helped towards a decrease of 26.7 per cent in offences against the person while maintaining a similar detection rate to last year.  Although there has been a 5.6 per cent decrease in fatal or injury road accidents, police are continuing to target excessive speed and drink-driving in a bid to reduce the figures still further. Roadside breath testing has been increased by 32.6 per cent and 3,950 traffic offences have been detected, an increase of 24 per cent.


Thursday July 2nd, 2009

Attingham Park

IT HAS been two years in planning, but visitors to Attingham Park can now step through the doors of a new £50,000 welcome centre.  It has been unveiled to give thousands of visitors an insight into the mansion’s story of love and neglect, its changing fortunes, revival and re-discovery over time. Visitors will gain access to the facility as they walk through the stable courtyard from the visitor reception. It is located in two renovated former carriage houses.  Several life-size cut outs of the various Lord and Lady Berwicks have been positioned around the estate.  The new facility is one of a raft of improvements made to enhance visitor enjoyment, including the extension of the carriage house café and the new disabled toilets, all within the courtyard area.