Friday October 5th, 1792
THE NATIONAL CONVENTION decrees that royalty is abolished in France. The condition of the King and Queen of France is at present truly deplorable. They are literally now, in the eye of the law of France, [merely] Louis and Antoinette Bourbon – without house, fortune or subsistence of any kind whatsoever; and according to the municipal laws perhaps they have no means of existence but by hard labour or the bounties of a parish workhouse.
Friday October 3rd, 1817
A SON OF MR OWENS of Manchester was walking a week past Sunday in the afternoon, accompanied by a friend, when their attention was struck by the appearance of a crowd on the banks of the Irwell. A girl (ten years of age) had fallen into the water… At length Mr Owens committed himself to the dangerous element, and succeeded in conveying her from it. Every sign of life appeared for ever fled, when it was suggested that the fumes of tobacco inhaled might possibly avail to restore her. A pipe was procured; in a few moments she gave a hiccup, and shortly after her countenance flushed. She was then removed to the nearest public house, and she was eventually taken home, to the unspeakable joy of her distressed friends. She had been in the water twelve minutes, and before the arrival of the prescribed remedy ten minutes more had elapsed.
Friday October 4th, 1867

THE POST OFFICE IN SHROPSHIRE – according to a return made to the House of Commons , on the motion of Mr Thomas Chambers, the number of letters delivered weekly in Shrewsbury is 19,523, in Bridgnorth 12,644, in Ludlow 3,703, in Oswestry 6,997, in Shifnal 1,820, in Wellington 3,658, and in Whitchurch 3,356. But what we are not told is whether these are the numbers of some particular week, or the average weekly deliveries of a particular period.
THE THEATRE is about to be used for the preaching of the gospel, the Rev Henry Angus, the minister of Claremont St Chapel (which is closed for alterations) having engaged it for special services on Sunday nights, during the present month. The movement seems a right one, and likely to be useful.
Friday October 5th, 1917
THE WAYS of the Petrol Control Committee are past understanding. While Councillor T Pace of Shrewsbury is prevented by shortage of petrol from continuing his patriotic work of speedily conveying to their homes soldiers on leave from the trenches, whose precious hours would otherwise be wasted by a dreary wait on station platforms, local ‘joy riding’ still continues. A discussion which took place on the subject at a meeting of the Atcham Board of Guardians on Saturday is pungent reading, and we hope it will arouse enquiry, and be the means of ensuring Councillor Pace the amount of spirit required by him to ‘carry on’.
Friday October 7th, 1977
SALOP HEALTH CHIEFS have confirmed that Sunday, November 20th, is still the date for the big changeover and opening of the latest phase of the new Shrewsbury Hospital complex at Copthorne. From 7.59 am on that Sunday all casualty cases will be taken straight to the new multi-million pound general hospital off Mytton Oak Road, instead of the town centre Royal Salop Infirmary. On the same morning a fleet of ambulances will transfer patients from the 200-year-old RSI to the wards at Copthorne. This will mark the end of the RSI as a hospital – though a health authority spokesman stressed that they are quite prepared to keep the RSI running and open for the sake of just one patient who is too ill to be moved on the day.
Thursday October 8th, 1992
SHREWSBURY AND ATCHAM Borough Council is about to build its last development of homes, unless there is a change in government policy. After a meeting of the housing committee last week it was decided the council will use housing associations to build lower-cost homes. But Shrewsbury Councillor Geoff Beddow told the Chronicle this week: “Housing association rents could be double those charged by the borough council.” Councillor Beddow said, “There are 4,500 people on the council house waiting list and the figure is rising by 10 per cent every month. The council should be able to provide homes for these people.” The number of homeless families in Shrewsbury has doubled in the last six months. Councillor Beddow said, “With the lack of council homes we could be looking at putting families in bed and breakfast accommodation as happens in inner cities.”
Thursday October 4th, 2007

A BABY had an unusual entrance into the world when it was delivered in a car in a village pub car park. Callum William McKittrick was born last Tuesday, September 25th, weighing 6lb 8oz at the Dog in the Lane pub at Astley, after his parents, Andrew and Anne McKittrick, realised that they would not make it to the Royal Shrewsbury Hospital on time. Staff and punters helped deliver the baby boy and the family were then taken to hospital by ambulance. The couple, both 23, from Ternhill, said it had been over really quickly, but were glad Annette and baby Callum were both well. Andrew said, “Annette’s waters broke at about 9.30pm, so I took her to the hospital and the on the way the baby popped out; he had been born before we even got to the pub; he sort of delivered himself and was born by 9.45pm.”