Friday September 14th, 1792
WASHING MILLS by the King’s Royal Letters Patent, granted to R Webster, Salop. The patentee having lately engaged several more workmen to execute this business, will have it in his power to supply all orders at the shortest notice, completed in the most substantial manner. Experience enables him with certainty to say his mills will stand the test of the ablest artist, have none of the violent pressure so much complained of in others, but on the contrary, the weight of the clothes only falling on one another, together with the hot water acting in contact with the air which is collected by the circuitous motion of the water, is the principle by which they act… With respect to the utility of this mode of washing, it is obvious how much more agreeable it must be to the masters and mistresses of families, and indeed to every thinking servant, to have this troublesome business got through with much easier labour, in the course of six to eight hours (if well managed) what would in the usual way require from twenty to twenty-four.
Friday September 12th, 1817
BOOKS – MEDICAL AND SURGICAL REMARKS, by Edward Grainger, Member of the Royal College of Surgeons. This work contains a description of a new and successful mode of operating the certain cases of obstructions in the neck of the bladder and urethra. Likewise, [it describes]a simple and effective method of removing polypi from the uterus, diseased tonsils from the throat, and tumours from the other accessible cavities of the body. Also, it has observations on the dangerous practice which has been recommended by some very eminent surgeons in cases of injuries to the skull etc. The whole illustrated by cases. Published by Longman and Co, London, and sold by J Watton, Shrewsbury, price 9s.
Friday September 13th, 1867

TO TAILORS AND HATTERS – Persons desirous of contracting to supply the Shropshire Constabulary force with the following articles are requested to send tenders of the same… About 108 single-breasted frock coats for sergeants and constables (91 with badge and number on breast, 9 with three bars, gold chevron on one arm) made of green cloth with Prussian collars and brass buttons and crowns on, surrounded by the words, “Shropshire Constabulary”…About 216 pairs of trousers…About 78 greatcoats for sergeants and constables…Six double-breasted frock coats, with Prussian collars, for superintendents… About 108 hats or helmets for constables, and 7 hats for superintendents… The above articles are to be made to fit each man in every respect, to the satisfaction of the Chief Constable.
Friday September 14th, 1917
WE NOTE that Shrewsbury Town Council has decided to purchase 1000 tons of coal to be retailed to the poor of the town, should the emergency arise, during the coming winter. It seems strange, in view of the shortage already experienced in many parts, that in discussing the matter no question was raised whether it will be possible to obtain the coal. No doubt ratepayers would be glad to have some assurance on the point.
Friday September 16th, 1977
THE DELIGHT of residents of Copthorne Drive has been short-lived. Their hole-in-the-road saga has begun another chapter. And the residents fear it may be a long chapter – because the men who arrived this week to start digging holes again have brought their tea-hut with them! The saga started at the beginning of July when council men spent two and a half days giving the road a smooth new surface. Within two days Gas Board workers arrived with their pneumatic drills and started to dig holes. After a few days the Gas Board men filled in their holes and left. But the saga had by no means ended. In August it was the borough council’s turn. They re-excavated the holes and filled them with new materials. Then, earlier this week came the latest shock. Residents once again woke to the rattle of pneumatic drills – the council men were at it again. One of the residents, Mr Ted Wilson, said yesterday, “They appear to be re-aligning man-hole covers because of the added height of the new surface. It looks as if it may be a long job because they have brought their portable tea hut with them!”
Thursday September 17th, 1992

SHREWSBURY has won the city class in the regional Britain in Bloom contest announced today. The town’s Britain in Bloom organisers and borough council officials were delighted at the town’s second victory in the contest. It wins the Wedgwood Trophy, beating Nuneaton and Bedworth into second place.
THE FIRST GRAPE HARVEST at Shropshire’s Wroxeter Roman Vineyard took place on Tuesday. Planted on what could have been a Roman vineyard 2,000 years ago, 20 percent of the grape stock was picked in the morning and taken to Gloucester for crushing in the afternoon. About 2,000 bottles of quality medium sweet white wine labelled Madeleine Angevin will be produced from the harvest.
Thursday September 13th 2007
TEACHERS AT A SHREWSBURY COLLEGE have been reprimanded by senior managers – for writing letters to the Chronicle about controversial £44m co-location proposals. Shrewsbury Sixth Form staff have been warned about giving views as college representatives by a notice which appeared on a staff room board urging them to talk to principal Bill Dowell or college directors before writing to the press. The Sixth Form and Shrewsbury College are preparing to launch formal plans for the two to be located on the same site at London Road. The scheme is being supported by funding from the Learning and Skills Council. But students, staff and town centre traders have reacted angrily to the plans, and the campaign has seen more than 5,000 signatures collected over four months on a petition. Calls are also being made for an open public meeting to be arranged after a planned meeting was cancelled in June when the college principals were unable to attend.