Friday August 24th, 1792
WHEN THE MATTER of the French King’s deposition was at first debated in the National Assembly, the majority of voices were certainly against it; but the mob grew furious, overawed the Assembly, and frightened them into a vote, first that the King should be superseded; [and] next that a National Convention should be summoned to meet and resettle the constitution on the 20thSeptember next. In the meantime a new Ministry, composed of the most unprincipled of the Jacobin party, are placed at the helm of government. The King’s messenger, who brought the last dispatches, says that in the massacre in the Tuileries on the 10thinstant, the loss of lives was, in his opinion, not less than 7 or 8000.
Friday August 22nd 1817
SAMUEL BOWDLER, Edward Mitchell and William Barker, condemned at our last Assizes for sheep-stealing, were executed on Saturday. When they had ascended the scaffold, they turned their backs on the spectators and joined in prayer with the Chaplain, but took no notice of the surrounding crowd. The corpse of Bowdler was removed by his friends and interred at Madeley; the bodies of the other two not being claimed by any relatives or friends, were buried behind the gaol. Early on the following morning, Ed Sturdy and – – Mansell were detected stealing the bodies of Mitchell and Barker, which they conveyed to a house in Grope Lane, intending to dispose of them for surgical purposes. But the fact being made known, the bodies were re-interred.
Friday August 23rd, 1867
AT THE BOROUGH police court on Friday, Richard Hughes was charged with using abusive language to William Mansell of the Britannia Hotel, Mardol. Mr Clark appeared for the complainant, and stated that for some time past the defendant had never let an opportunity pass of making use of insulting language to the plaintiff. On the present occasion he called him a “rogue” and a “fool”, and the complainant was compelled to take proceedings to prevent a repetition of such conduct. Mr Mansell was called and proved the charge. The defendant admitted having made use of the word “rogue”, but he did not, he said, mention any one’s name, and the epithet could not therefore be supposed to apply to Mr Mansell. A fine of £2, and 8s 6d costs was inflicted, which was at once paid.
Friday August 24th, 1917
EGGS for the wounded men in our new offensive – an urgent appeal is made by the National Egg Collection for the wounded for money to purchase eggs for our wounded men in the base hospitals in France and Flanders. In consequence of the heavy fighting now taking place, the demand is largely in excess of the supply, and the National Egg Collection, having assumed the entire responsibility of supplying every wounded man in the base hospitals with sufficient new laid eggs for his requirement, [state that] help is most urgently wanted.
Friday August 26th, 1977
THE FIRST STEPS have been taken towards building a sports and leisure centre in Belle Vue, Shrewsbury – where it is eventually hoped to provide facilities good enough to train athletes up to Olympic medal standard. If everything goes as it should, the ratepayers of the town would only be expected to pay a fraction of the cost they might expect. The decision to go ahead with the plan – to build the centre where the old railway sheds stood – was taken at a special meeting of interested parties this week.
Friday August 27th, 1992
SHREWSBURY SHOPS – and their customers – are determined to defy the IRA fire bombers who hit the town this week. Outraged traders say it will be “business as usual” – but with greater security. They have inundated the police for details of what they should look out for to stop the terrorists striking again. The IRA’s bombs caused havoc and the near destruction of the Regimental Museum in the 11th century Shrewsbury Castle early on Tuesday. It was part of a four-bomb attack in the town, with two shops as the other targets in the Darwin Centre and at Shoplatch. Police sealed off the town for seven hours.
Friday August 23rd, 2007

SHREWSBURY TOWN FC’s players will be looking for some divine inspiration after three church leaders performed an official blessing at the new multi-million pound stadium. The Bishop of Shrewsbury, the Right Reverend Alan Smith, led the ceremony last Friday at Oteley Road, alongside Prebendary Kevin Roberts and former club chaplain Rev Tim Welch. Rev Smith said the dedication had been set up by Rev Chris Sims from the Abbey Church, following a similar service at the Gay Meadow following the final game of last season. He said there were a few members of the Board, and some people who stood out on the turf and we prayed and blessed the new stadium and team. We were not praying for them to beat every single team, but that people take enjoyment, have fun and use their skills to be very professional. We also prayed that it would be a place of safety and security for supporters and their families to go.”