Friday November 21st, 1794
A LUNATIC, absconded about three weeks since from his friends; a tall young man answering to the name of THOMAS HEAP, had on an old drab coat, with fustian breeches, patched with brown cloth and strong shoes, his beard long and black. This young man has been long deprived of his senses. Whoever can give any account of him or bring him to his father, farmer William Heap of Effington, near Wolverhampton, shall be handsomely rewarded and many thanks from an afflicted father and distressed family.
Friday November 19th, 1819
FURTHER DEPRADATIONS have been committed in this vicinity. On Friday night some villains lurked about the house of Mr Hodges of Bicton, who fired at them; they returned the fire and stole several geese. The house at Cotton Hill [sic] of Mr W James, mercer, has been robbed of property value £60.
Friday November 19th, 1869

LOCAL ART – it is not often that Shrewsbury can boast of producing two choicer or more novel works of art than were of view in the shop of Mr John Shaw, naturalist of Wyle Cop, during the earlier part of the present week. They consisted of a large and elegant pair of glass shades, each containing a pair of dabchicks, or little grebes, the one representing a summer, the other a winter scene. Both cases were made expressly for the decoration of Mr Shaw’s window, but were purchased by a gentleman shortly after they were first exhibited.
Friday November 21st, 1919
FOOTBALL – when the football authorities gave the naughty boys of Wolverhampton a smart rap on the knuckles by closing the ground for a month, they hoped that the lesson would be taken to heart by football spectators in general. As yet, however, it would seem that the lesson has only been learnt somewhat imperfectly, for there was very nearly another riot last Saturday at the game at Bristol between the City and Stoke.
Friday November 23rd, 1979
SHREWSBURY PRISON could be taken over by soldiers this winter if the government clashes head-on with angry prison officers seeking an improved pay deal. Officers at Shrewsbury believe the Tory Government could already be making plans for such a confrontation and these would involve the use of troops in prisons up and down the country. A Prison Officers’ Association spokesman said this week, “We are not surprised that these preparations are going on, but they will only add fuel to a smouldering situation.”
Thursday November 24th, 1994

A HUMAN fruit machine will be one of the attractions on December 3rd at St Peter’s Church, Monkmoor, Christmas Fair.
SHREWSBURY TOWN FOOTBALL CLUB’S former boating ball boy, coracle-maker Fred Davies, has died at his home. He finally retired from his unique job as the oldest ball boy in the Football League in 1987. For 45 years he had used his coracle to retrieve match balls kicked from the Gay Meadow into the River Severn.
Thursday November 26th, 2009
SHROPSHIRE COUNCIL and the Environment Agency have abandoned plans to work together on a river dam as part of the proposed £101 million North West Relief Road scheme. It was claimed to be a potential solution to the flooding nightmare suffered by the county town in recent winters. But officials have now decided that a joint scheme – combining a flood barrier with a new bridge over the River Severn at Shelton – would be a hugely complex project without any financial savings.