Friday January 23rd, 1795
IN CONSEQUENCE of the intelligence we last week published of the boys finding a purse of money on the bank of the Severn, a poor man who was robbed of his purse and money at our last fair, applied to the Mayor [for the money back]. It was clearly proved that the purse was the same as the man was robbed of, but most of the boys’ parents being very poor, only £1 13s out of £13 2s 6d could be got back. [The owner] was content to lose the remainder, it having been laid out on provisions, etc, but it is said that a collection is to be started to reimburse him, particularly as the money was borrowed.
Friday January 28th, 1820

THE ESTIMATED EXPENSE of lighting this town with gas (£8000) was subscribed in one week.
THE HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY OF LONDON has presented a medal to Mr George White, gardener to B Benyon, Esq, MP of Haughton Hall, for the decided superiority of his grapes, which are considered the finest in the kingdom.
Friday January 28th, 1870
WHITNEY’S BEDROOM PILLS – no medicine has ever been found at all seasons of the year [to rival] these pills. For indigestion, dimness of sight, sickness, loss of appetite, bilious complaints, violent headache, flatulency, torpid action of the liver, lowness of spirits, and all diseases which arise from derangement of the stomach and bowels, they are invaluable…
Friday January 23rd, 1920
AS A RESULT of the strike of some 250 members of the National Amalgamated Society of Enginemen employed by the Lilleshall Company, more than 3,000 other workers have been thrown out of employment. It is stated that the strikers have been accustomed to having their house coal for 5s 10d a ton, whereas the company have now asked them to pay 13s per ton. The men have offered to agree to 9s per ton, but this has been refused by the company.
Friday January 25th, 1980
MORE THAN 6,000 Shropshire people are waiting for operations, says Salop Area Health Authority. Its figures show there are 6,467 people on the list, the longest in the West Midlands. And of these, nearly 2,000 have been waiting for non-urgent surgery for more than a year. Cases cited as urgent total 143, over 100 of which have been waiting for more than a month.
Thursday January 26th, 1995

RADICAL PLANS for a combined cemetery and park in Shrewsbury will be unveiled to borough councillors tonight. They will be told that the Emstrey project, including botanical gardens and riverside walks, could be financed by the National Lottery. The report has been drawn up by leisure services chief James Beardall and Health, Tourism and leisure director Geraint Morgan. They say Shrewsbury’s existing cemetery will be full by 2002, and the garden of remembrance at the town’s crematorium will run out of space for cremated remains in just 10 years.
Thursday January 28th, 2010
A SHREWSBURY man who claimed he was left with a bill of around £9,000 after his front wall was repeatedly hit by developers’ lorries has taken the long-running dispute to the government. Ron Millar, 69, of Corporation Lane, Coton Hill, wrote to Prime Minister Gordon Brown recently asking him to help prevent developers’ lorries from using the narrow lane to gain access to a housing development. The great-grandfather claims his wall has been hit more than 30 times since 2002 when plans for 22 homes were approved by Shrewsbury and Atcham Borough Council on land off Corporation Lane.