Memory Corner February 27th 2020

Friday February 27th, 1795

Coleham Bridge (right) and English Bridge

WEDNESDAY LAST being the day appointed by royal proclamation for a GENERAL FAST, the same was observed by the inhabitants of this town in the most religious manner.

A TEMPORARY BRIDGE is to be erected at Coleham as speedily as possible.

[IN THE HOUSE OF COMMONS] Mr Windham moved that the sum of £3,063,968 be granted to His Majesty to defray the [unbudgeted] expenses of the land forces from 25th December 1793 to 24th December 1794.


Friday March 3rd, 1820

POOR CLERGYMEN – the election of poor clergymen with good characters and large families to partake of Dr Taylour’s and Mr Middleton’s and Mrs Ann Cam’s benefactions the present year will take place in May or June next.

THE PUBLIC will be pleased to hear that a work illustrative of the public and private life of our late venerable sovereign has just been published entitled “George the Third, his Court and Family”.


Friday March 4th, 1870

THE “SWORD OF JUSTICE” which was supposed to have been removed from the Borough Police Court some time ago, when, it may be recollected, other depredations were committed, was discovered by Miss Collier, the Hall Keeper, on Tuesday, concealed beneath the cushions of one of the seats of the magistrates’ bench.


Friday February 27th, 1920

Sentinel waggons outside works

THE “SENTINEL” WAGGON WORKS – to mark the completion of various extensions to their works, including the provision of a large up-to-date canteen for the use of the workmen, the “Sentinel” Waggon Works Co Ltd on Friday night held a very enjoyable social evening… The new works now cover some 20½ acres, and though the men employed already number 750, when the extensions are carried through the number will more than likely double.


Friday February 29th, 1980

SHREWSBURY’S bright and breezy heart transplant patient, 23-year-old Paul Coffey, yesterday said hello to his new world.  Doctors gave Paul a new heart at Papworth Hospital in Cambridge on Tuesday… A hospital spokesman said they were “delighted” with Paul’s progress since the four-hour operation to save his life.

TOMORROW is the long-awaited day when county councillors will make a decision on whether or not the County of Salop should be changed to Shropshire.


Thursday March 2nd, 1995

THOUSANDS of protestors marched through Shrewsbury last Friday in the biggest mass demonstration ever seen in Shropshire.  They had come to support county councillors who took nearly three hours to rubberstamp a cap-challenging budget which is £6 million over the Government’s spending limit.  Only one councillor voted against the motion that puts Shropshire on a collision course with the Government.  Around 2,500 people braved the cold and rain to march defiantly through the streets of the town to the Shirehall, bringing traffic to a standstill.


Thursday March 4th, 2010

A DEDICATED turnstile operator who spent 46 years welcoming Shrewsbury Town supporters to home matches has left his booth for the last time. After first taking up the role with his boyhood club in his early 20s, Peter Hick, 77, of Meadow Farm Drive, stepped away from the turnstiles after being taken ill with flu just before Christmas.  Peter’s love affair with his job at the club has clearly run in the family as well because his 55-year-old son Francis has also worked on the turnstile gates for 30 years, carrying on the family tradition.