Friday April 24th, 1795

LARGE SUPPLIES OF GRAIN will speedily reach this country from America.
DIED – on 17th, to the inexpressible grief of a numerous family, the Hon Mrs Dana, wife of Rev Mr Dana, daughter of the late Right Hon Lord Kinnaird, and sister of the present Lord, and niece of Sir William Pulteney, Bart, Member of Parliament for this borough.
Friday April 28th, 1820
AN INFLUENZA, supposed to be occasioned by the easterly winds and variable weather, is so very prevalent in many places that scarcely a family has escaped, and in many cases whole families are at once confined. The cough, sore throats and severe headaches, which are the general symptoms, in some cases have been attended with slight inflammatory affections of the chest.
Friday April 29th, 1870

THE SOUP KITCHEN – at a meeting of the Soup Kitchen Committee the audited accounts were presented. £95 15s 0d was spent on meat, £48 8s 4d on grocery, and £1 3s 0d on vegetables. The kitchen was open 45 days and 20,439 quarts of soup were sold.
SHREWSBURY IMPROVEMENT COMMITTEE – It was agreed that the Borough Surveyor should inspect the circus now being erected at Coleham, and report to the Mayor as to whether it was sufficiently secure for the purpose for which it is intended.
Friday April 23rd, 1920
A REMARKABLE INCIDENT connected with the war occurred at Pontesbury last week. A travelling hawker, supposed to be a German Jew, sold a silver watch to a young man named Sankey for 4s. Examining it later, Sankey was astonished to find his brother’s name and address inscribed therein. The brother (Walter Sankey) went to France with his regiment the Scots Guards and was killed on or about November 12th, 1914. The name “W Sankey” is twice inscribed on the inside of the watch, and “Pontesbury” once.
Friday April 25th, 1980
THE SINGLE QUEUE SYSTEM, which was introduced as an experimental measure more than a year ago, is to become a permanent feature at Shrewsbury’s Head Post Office. The system was tried in a bid to bring quicker service to the thousands of customers who use the Head Post Office in St Mary’s Street. The frustrating and time-consuming queues at each counter position were replaced by one long queue. There is a light over each counter position and as customers reach the head of the queue, they can move to any counter position where the light is on.
Thursday April 27th, 1995
A GROUP of Shrewsbury schoolgirls are following their mums and dads to work tomorrow to gain job experience. Around 40 year nine students at the Priory School will be involved in the “Taking your Daughter to Work Day”. Organised by the Shropshire Training and Enterprise Council, it aims to give pupils a look at professions. Teacher Mrs Pamela Jebb said, “We want to show the girls that it’s not just hairdressing – it will give them a variety of experience.” Placements with parents include a firm of auctioneers, a dairy farm and the Royal Shrewsbury Hospital.
Thursday April 29th, 2010
ELECTION candidates are predicting the closest contest in Shrewsbury and Atcham for decades. Interest in the General Election has soared since the televised leaders’ debates, and local candidates have reported greater engagement with younger voters. Election officials at Shropshire Council said there had been a definite increase in people registering to vote after the first TV debate, with more than 221,000 now on the register around the county. Shrewsbury and Atcham was taken by Conservative Daniel Kawczynski in 2005 with a majority of 1,808.